May as well be. I'm so bored on Newgrounds, where almost no one PMs me or listens to my forums or looks at my drawings. Whereas there's deviantART, and I have a million people waiting to reply to me. Plus, I'm pretty bummed that the Newgrounds Radio Chat isn't working for me, even though I have Flash Player installed for Firefox.
This whole thing was inspired by this song that I think is called "Negative to Ground" or something, but the chorus was "Heeeere, I am sit-ting in a tin can...." The song is stuck in my head and I can't get it out. TheHappySpaceman suggested that I should listen to "Under Pressure," but I listened to that, and then I listened to the Bratz "I liek I liek" song, and the sitting in a tin can is stuck in my head. Oh, whatever. I guess I'll get off Newgrounds for at least a few minutes so I can draw a picture to put on deviantART and Newgrounds. Well, 'bye!
P.S. I was tired. So I didn't include a video or pic.
Good job getting user of the day! I think. I don't think it requires effort. Anyways, cheers.